Welcome to Ricadrex

We at Ricadrex Design, innovate and Provide solutions

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What We Do

At Ricadrex we have three portfolios


We provide Softskill and Technical Training.

Human Resources

We have reliable pool of techinal resources.

Software Development

Our aim is to build cost effective solutions by leveraging on opensource solutions at the same time ensure reliable and stable system.

Soft Skills Training

Soft skills are often more focused on a person's personality than on their qualifications, technical skills, or vocational experience. That includes things like interpersonal skills, social skills, and transferable skills.The purpose of these professional soft skills training programs is to help professionals and individual contributors be more effective and influential in their workplaces.

Time Management Training

Learn efficient time management techniques to handle time more effectively, including how to schedule activities and complete chores more effectively, both at work and at home. Our time management training program assists this important group of novice leaders in understanding the abilities required to successfully move into a management position.

Interpersonal Skills

Our Interpersonal Skills training course is designed for all who wish to increase their self-awareness and improve the way they relate to others in order to work more effectively and to sustain high quality working relationships.We like to think we know our own personality, but often this is only achieved through our own perception. This course will help delegates to find out what they are like as a person, the effect they have on others, and give them an action plan to develop strengths and areas for development.

Team Building

Team building activities can help develop trust among your employees. Trust is a critical component to business, especially when teamwork is required on a daily basis to achieve objectives and grow companies. Team Building Training courses are designed to help enhance social relations, define roles within teams and improve the efficiency of a workforce team. Through team-building activities, employees can learn how to better communicate with one another because they probably will be faced with activities that need to be solved as a group.

Emotional Intelligence

Academic research and real-life experience proves beyond doubt that IQ will only take you so far. It’s EQ (Emotional Intelligence) that ultimately leads to success. When people develop their emotional Intelligence they not only have far greater control over their own emotions, they are also better able to perceive the emotions of other people, and build strong, effective relationships with them.Participants will leave with knowledge and skills that will make them more effective, whatever their role – internal or external – as managers, colleagues and professionals.These programs are offered as both open workshops and customized programs at clients’ site.

About Us

Creative, Innovative and Affordable.

  • We at Ricadrex provide solutions to business from Desktop to Application Software.

Training and Human Resources

Our Porfolios are Training (Both Soft skill and technical skill) , Manpower Consultancy and Software Development .

Software Solutions

Our aim is to build cost effective solutions by leveraging on opensource solutions at the same time ensure reliable and stable system.

Training 100%
Human Resources 90%
Design and Solutions 80%
Project Management90%


You can reach us through the following channels


Tamil Nadu, India




+91 96328 95500